DevOps (DaaS) - Configure Access
GitHub Actions : DevOps As A Service (DaaS) - Configure Access
GitHub Actions (Required):
System Requirements -
Generate Credentials - Marketplace
GitHub Secrets (Required):
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Service-Account AWS Access Key-Id (e.g.: AKIA2...VT7DU).
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Service-Account AWS Secret Access Key (e.g.: zBqDU...mSCpe)
AWS_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT The AWS Account number (e.g.: 123456789012).
PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_SECRET Terraform AWS KeyPair (PEM, Private file)
GitHub Variables (Required):
AWSCLI_CLI Install Amazon WebServices CLI (false)
AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE The AWS Credentials Default User (e.g.: default).
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION The AWS Default Region (e.g.: us-east-1)
CUSTOM_TOOLS Install packages from custom list (default: null)
DEFAULT_TOOLS Install packages from default list (default: null)
DEVOPS_ACCESS_ROLE Defines the AWS IAM Role: DevOps--Custom-Access.Role
DEVOPS_ACCOUNT_NAME A Deployment Service Account name (devops).
PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS Listing Python packages (default: null)
SANITIZE_OUTPUT Sanitize Credentials Output (false)
PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE Terraform AWS KeyPair (default: id_rsa)
PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_NAME Terraform AWS KeyPair (e.g.: devops.pem)
UPDATE_PIP Update Python package management (true)
UPDATE_PYTHON Update Python to the latest version (true)
UPDATE_SYSTEM Updating Operating System (false)
UPGRADE_SYSTEM Upgrading Operating System (false)
DEBUGER_MODE Enable/Disable Shell Debugger
VERBOSE_MODE Identify verbosity level (false)
ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG Enable runner diagnostic logging (true)
ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG Enable step debug logging (true)