
Application As Code - Provisioning applications based on system requirements

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DevOps (DaaS) - System Requirements

GitHub Actions : DevOps As A Service (DaaS) - System Requirements

GitHub Actions - System Requirements

GitHub Variables (Required):

AWSCLI_CLI                    Install Amazon WebServices CLI (false)
AWSCLI_DOWNLOAD               AWS CLI Download (
AWSCLI_PACKAGE                AWS CLI Package (e.g.:
CUSTOM_TOOLS                  Install packages from custom list (default: null)
DEFAULT_TOOLS                 Install packages from default list (default: null)

PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS           Listing Python packages (default: null)

TERRAFORM_CLI                 Install Terraform CLI (false)
TERRAFORM_VERSION             Terraform specific target version (1.5.4)
UPDATE_PIP                    Update Python package management (true)
UPDATE_PYTHON                 Update Python to the latest version (true)
UPDATE_SYSTEM                 Updating Operating System (false)
UPGRADE_SYSTEM                Upgrading Operating System (false)
DEBUGER_MODE                  Enable/Disable Shell Debugger
VERBOSE_MODE                  Identify verbosity level (false)
ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG          Enable runner diagnostic logging (true)
ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG            Enable step debug logging (true)